vineri, 20 aprilie 2012

How to learn to be a curator

This is a programe in France (Grenoble) to train future curators in the field of arts.
The application deadline: 30th of April.

Please, see for the application pack and procedures:


Candidates are expected to have attained a level equivalent to a master’s degree, or to have some years of significant professional experience. They are aware of the production and the mediation of contemporary art within the institutional contexts, and are open to the current landscape of diversifying sites, forms, languages and economies of culture specific to emergences in the field of contemporary art. A sufficient level of cultural knowledge allows the candidate to question the debates on art, from other theoretical fields.

Considering the pedagogy at the École (autonomy of the participants, individual researches, study trips, meetings and seminars), the capacity to work both independently and collaboratively is necessary. The École du Magasin is an international program that welcomes artists, curators and theoreticians from all over the world. The languages of communication in the program are English and French. Candidates are expected to have sufficient knowledge of both languages. An ability to shift between languages is encouraged.

Session expenses are covered by the École. Participants are not required to pay tuition fees, but must assure their own living expenses. Please note that the École being organised independently from the University system, application to grants offered by the Ministry of Education are hardly received. Candidates searching for a financial support should rather apply to funds developed for an international residency by national or international public or private cultural organisations.

Admission to the École du Magasin is approved in two stages :

1. A pre-selection based on an application, which includes :

* Application form

* Current Curriculum Vitae

* Curatorial project proposal

* 1 Letter of motivation

* 3 cover letters

* Copies of Diploma and/or proofs of employment

The curatorial project proposal is of no more than three A4 pages recto/verso, and includes a curatorial statement, a presentation of the location of the project as well as the participating artists, and a realistic budget. The candidates precisely define the object of this project, and articulate its relevance within the field of art. The proposal must clearly convey the concerns and the nature of the project.

NB : The proposal is for admission purposes only and is not intended for consideration during the session.

Application must be sent between 1st February and no later then 30 April 2012. Only complete dossiers will be considered.

2. An interview with a jury in Grenoble. Pre-selected candidates will be informed by letter of the date of the interview (scheduled in June). Interviews via Internet can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.