vineri, 9 decembrie 2022

Open Access

 Open Access is the new trend, and it is good this is happening! 

But which are the costs? I understand the question might arise some philosophical dilemmas and possible answers. Beyond them, in terms of economics, publishing open access implies costs supported by publishing houses, but also by contributors.

I have published two articles open access. One for Critique of Anthropology (with Robert Deakin, Socialist Fragments East and West) and one for Anthropology & Aging (Keeping the Elderly Alive). 

In both cases, the costs were supported by the Publishing Houses, not by myself. 

But today, I receive the first invitation to publish an article in an edited book (about museums) where the authors/ contributors are asked to pay for what they publish. 

Please take a look at this proposal. Those of you who are interested need to pay 890 GBP for a chapter.